Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
This investigation deals with wave propagation analysis of functionally graded graphene origami (GOri) metallic metamaterial plates resting on the Kerr substrate in the thermal environment within the framework of the two-variable refined higher-order plate theory. Different types of thermal rise are studied, namely: uniform, linear, and sinusoidal rise. The management of the auxetic characteristic of the plate is achieved by the manipulation of graphene content and the folding degree of Gori across the thickness direction of the plates in a layer-wise mode. This control allows for the adjustment of Poisson's ratio and other material characteristics. Furthermore, the kinetic equations governing the behavior of auxetic metamaterial plates are derived using Hamilton's principle. Subsequently, Analytically, the dynamics equations are solved to find the wave dispersion relationships. Additionally, extensive parametric studies are carried out to examine the impact of GOri folding degree, metamaterial distribution, graphene distribution pattern and content, temperature, and Kerr foundation rigidity on the wave frequency, and phase velocity of the FG-GOri metamaterial plates. Through careful examination and comparison, the most important features of each chart have been isolated.
Studying Wave propagation of FG-Graphene Origami Metamaterial Plates Resting on Kerr Substrate in Thermal Environments
This investigation deals with wave propagation analysis of functionally graded graphene origami (GOri) metallic metamaterial plates resting on the Kerr substrate in the thermal environment within the framework of the two-variable refined higher-order plate theory. Different types of thermal rise are studied, namely: uniform, linear, and sinusoidal rise. The management of the auxetic characteristic of the plate is achieved by the manipulation of graphene content and the folding degree of Gori across the thickness direction of the plates in a layer-wise mode. This control allows for the adjustment of Poisson's ratio and other material characteristics. Furthermore, the kinetic equations governing the behavior of auxetic metamaterial plates are derived using Hamilton's principle. Subsequently, Analytically, the dynamics equations are solved to find the wave dispersion relationships. Additionally, extensive parametric studies are carried out to examine the impact of GOri folding degree, metamaterial distribution, graphene distribution pattern and content, temperature, and Kerr foundation rigidity on the wave frequency, and phase velocity of the FG-GOri metamaterial plates. Through careful examination and comparison, the most important features of each chart have been isolated.
wave propagation, metamaterial plate, Graphene origami, Kerr foundation
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